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NeurIPS 2023, the Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, will be held again at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.

Sunday Dec 10 through Saturday Dec 16. Sunday is an industry expo.


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Events that stream and are available virtually:

Affinity Workshops, Competitions, Invited Talks, Oral
Test Of Time, Town Hall, Tutorials, Workshops

Events that do not stream:

Creative AI, Expo Day, Mentorship, Poster Sessions, Socials.

Start Here Schedule Invited Talks OralsPosters Tutorials Affinity Events Socials Paper Visualization Town Hall Competitions Workshops Virtual Affinity Poster Sessions Tue Dec 9


Important Dates

Workshop Accept/Reject Notification Date Oct 27 '23 (Anywhere on Earth)
CameraReadyDeadline Oct 27 '23 (Anywhere on Earth)
SlidesLive Main Conference Paper Video Upload Deadline Nov 13 '23 (Anywhere on Earth)
SlidesLive Workshop Paper Video Upload Deadline Nov 20 '23 (Anywhere on Earth)
Tutorials Dec 11 '23 09:00 AM CST *
All dates



If you have questions about supporting the conference, please contact us.

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Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Tristan Naumann (Microsoft Research)
Alice Oh (KAIST)

Program Chairs

Amir Globerson (Google, Tel Aviv University)
Moritz Hardt (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen)
Sergey Levine (UC Berkeley)
Kate Saenko (Boston University, Meta)

Workshop Chairs

Yarin Gal (University of Oxford)
Piotr Koniusz (Data61❤CSIRO)
Hsuan-Tien Lin (National Taiwan University)
Ismini Lourentzou (Virginia Tech)

Workshop Chair Assistant

Pascal Notin (Harvard University; University of Oxford)

Tutorial Chairs

Saadia Gabriel (MIT/NYU/UCLA)
Marzyeh Ghassemi (MIT)
Andrew Gordon Wilson (New York University)

Competition Chairs

Jake Albrecht (Bristol Myers Squibb)
Marco Ciccone (Politecnico di Torino)
Tao Qin (Microsoft Research AI4Science)

Datasets and Benchmarks Chairs

Remi Denton (Google Research)
Jung-Woo Ha (NAVER Cloud AI Lab)
Joaquin Vanschoren (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Affinity Chairs

Blessing Ogbuokiri (Brock University)
Konstantina Palla (Spotify)
Arjun Subramonian (University of California, Los Angeles)

Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility Chairs

Erin Grant (University College London)
Rosanne Liu (ML Collective, Google DeepMind)

Expo Chairss

Venkatesh Saligrama (Boston University)
Wenming Ye (Google)

Outreach Chairs

Edward Choi (KAIST)
Jihun Hamm (Tulane University)

Ethics Review Chairs

Jiahao Chen (New York City Office of Technology and Innovation)
Lester Mackey (Microsoft Research)
Cherie Poland (Complex Adaptive Systems Research | Virginia Tech)

Program Chair Assistants

Amir Bar (Tel Aviv University / UC Berkeley)
Kuan Fang (UC Berkeley / Cornell University)
Ping Hu (Boston University)

Communication Chairs

Irene Chen (UC Berkeley)
Sahra Ghalebikesabi (Google DeepMind)
Alex X Lu (Microsoft Research)

Social Chairs

Animesh Garg (Georgia Tech, Univ of Toronto)
Alessandra Tosi (Mind Foundry)

Journal Chair

Lam Nguyen (IBM Research, Thomas J. Watson Research Center)

Creative AI Chairs

Isabelle Guyon (Google and ChaLearn)
Jean Oh (CMU)

Hybrid Workflow Chair

Hendrik Strobelt (IBM Research / MIT-IBM Ai Lab)

Workflow Manager

Zhenyu (Sherry) Xue (NeurIPS)

Volunteer Managers

Talha Irfan

Logistics and ITs

Terri Auricchio (NeurIPS Staff)
Brad Brockmeyer (NeurIPS Staff)
Lee Campbell (NeurIPS Staff)
Brian Nettleton (NeurIPS Staff)
Mary Ellen Perry (Level 5 Events)
Max A Wiesner (NeurIPS Staff)
Stephanie Willes (NeurIPS Staff)

Mission Statement

The Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to foster the exchange of research advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, principally by hosting an annual interdisciplinary academic conference with the highest ethical standards for a diverse and inclusive community.

About the Conference

The conference was founded in 1987 and is now a multi-track interdisciplinary annual meeting that includes invited talks, demonstrations, symposia, and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. Along with the conference is a professional exposition focusing on machine learning in practice, a series of tutorials, and topical workshops that provide a less formal setting for the exchange of ideas.

More about the Neural Information Processing Systems foundation »