NeurIPS 2019
(Sunday is a full day industry expo)
Mobile-friendly Schedule
Talks Demonstrations Workshops Sun Expo Brochure PDF Conference Book PDF
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Tutorials Orals Posters Demos Workshops Socials
Talks Demonstrations Workshops Sun Expo Brochure PDF
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Live Streams Pre-recorded Videos Reproducibility Challenge
Paper Discussion Forum
To register using access to reserved tickets, you must be logged in.
- General Admission Lottery
If you are not an author, workshop organizer, tutorial speaker or invited speaker, then you should join the registraiton lottery. Read a press release about the lottery here. Information about applying for a visa is here. Check your lottery status here.
Pricing Register starting Mar 27 06 AM PDT
Note: It is not necessary to register for individual tutorials, talks or workshops.
- Workshop Participants
If you have submitted a paper to a workshop, you should join the lottery by clicking the green registration above. All workshop presenters must register for the workshops to gain entrance into the convention center. Workshop organizers will have a limited number of reserve tickets to give to workshop presenters, and getting your ticket through the lottery would reduce the need for an organizer to consume their reserved tickets. Joining the lottery does not prevent a workshop organizer from giving you access to their pool of reserved tickets.
The Expo is a one-day industry day with talks, panels, demos and workshops from our sponsors. It takes place on Sunday Dec 8th. If you plan to ONLY attend the expo, then please visit Expo Only Registration otherwise you may register for the expo as you register for the main conference.
- Child Care
NeurIPS 2019 is providing free onsite child care. For more information, please follow the link.
NeurIPS 2019 Organization
Board Organizing Committees The Foundation Reviewers Area Chairs
Press releases are available at the link below. In order to attend the conference, press must be accredited. Apply below.
Press Releases Apply for Press PassNew In 2019
New In ML
In 2019, NeurIPS has its first Forum for Newcomers to ML
Please see the schedule for social events
Please see the call for meetups
About NeurIPS
The purpose of the Neural Information Processing Systems annual meeting is to foster the exchange of research on neural information processing systems in their biological, technological, mathematical, and theoretical aspects. The core focus is peer-reviewed novel research which is presented and discussed in the general session, along with invited talks by leaders in their field. On Sunday is an Expo, where our top industry sponsors give talks, panels, demos, and workshops on topics that are of academic interest. On Monday are tutorials, which cover a broad background on current lines of inquiry, affinity group meetings, and the opening talk & reception. The general sessions are held Tuesday - Thursday, and include talks, posters, and demonstrations. Friday - Saturday are the workshops, which are smaller meetings focused on current topics, and provide an informal, cutting edge venue for discussion.